Union Authorization Cards

The University of Miami Workers Union is officially asking for those who support unionization efforts to sign union authorization cards. These cards are used in a petition to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which requires a certain percentage of graduate workers to sign union authorization cards in order to sanction an election for unionization. In other words, this is the prerequisite to holding an election to unionize. Once approved by the NLRB, the Union will be able to hold an election. If the Union wins this election, a union will be formed and bargaining with the University for things like recognition by the University, livable wages, guaranteed health insurance, guaranteed PPE during on-going health crises, and elimination of hidden “activity” and “facility” fees.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The University of Miami Workers Union is fighting in solidarity with other organizations on campus and in the Miami-Dade area to make sure the University does more than offer vacant words in favor of creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable campus. For many BIPOC graduate students, the experience of the University is one of consistent micro-aggressions, lack of recognition, and lack of identification with faculty and staff. The University of Miami under the Frenk administration has committed itself to diversity, inclusion, and equity—and we will hold them to this by supporting on- and off-campus organizations pressuring the administration to put turn their statements into practice.


Union Auth Cards Signed


Signed Union Auth Cards Needed


to go

Our next meeting is…

July 14 at 7 p.m. EST

Zoom registration link: https://miami.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pd-6spjwtHNB4y_Y9czfXsxplCNl797Y_

Please share with graduate workers!

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